
The CEO GOLF® Give-Back Initiative


CEO GOLF® is involved with charities and giving back to the community for more than 10 years. When thinking of examples of businesses giving back to the community, there are the obvious ones of donating money or offering time to help organizations that are doing great things for those affected. CEO GOLF started a “Give-Back Initiative” program where donations are given to local charities we support. These organizations represent the best of our community, those who have dedicated their lives to feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, and supporting the vulnerable. We wanted to do our part to give back to those most in need, and these donations seemed like the perfect way to do just that. Even if all you can give are your skills and time, we urge you to do so. We believe philanthropy is the love of humanity and generosity in all its forms. Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu once said, 'Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world'. In 2022, our founder (Ruald Strydom) was honored by President Joseph R. Biden Jr. (The 46th President of the United States) with the highest level of the President's Volunteer Service Award in the United States. In 2023, Strydom was awarded a South African National Order; the Order of the Baobab (Grand Counsellor of the Baobab) by President Cyril Ramaphosa, in recognition for his outstanding role as a global philanthropist.